
Get Compliant and Enable Your Website with Accessibility Features Today!
ADA-ASSIST gives your website all of the following features:

Epilepsy Safe

Dampens color and removes blinks

Visually Impaired

Improves website's visuals

Cognitive Disability

Helps to focus on specific content

ADHD Friendly

Reduces distractions and improve focus


Allows using the site with your screen-reader

Mute Sounds

Hide Images

Virtual Keyboard

Reading Guide

Stop Animations

Reading Mask

Highlight Hover

Highlight Focus

Big Black Cursor

Big White Cursor

Navigation Keys

Text to Speech

Content Scaling

Font Sizing

Line Height

Letter spacing

Text Magnifier

Readable Font

Dyslexia Friendly

Highlight Headings

Highlight Links

Left Aligned

Center Aligned

Right Aligned

Dark Contrast

Light Contrast


High Contrast

High Saturation

Low Saturation

Adjust Text Colors

Adjust Title Colors

Adjust Background Colors

Translate Language

Wikipedia Search